Our body is challenged by an increase of chemicals creating more auto-immune disease, allergies and common infections. Toxins and chemicals can get stored in the body’s joints, organs, arteries, nerves and tissues, disrupting their ability to function and thus creating an environment for disease, allergies and immune system breakdown. Some researchers have found that most toxins (mucus, fat, Candida, heavy metals, parasites and various bacteria) are positively charged when they reside in the body and, attracted to the negative field of the ionic foot bath water, exit through the approximate 2000 pores in the feet. These are not proof of any particular ailment or condition, rather it is a cleansing process.
The NRG works foot spa was designed to stimulate the acupuncture points, which could improve the body’s own natural detoxification mechanisms. The client sits in a calm quiet room with their feet immersed in a small tub of water with a device emitting special electrical currents to create negative ions in the water. The foot spa sends a low voltage (24 volts DC current) up into the body through the feet, which clients have said, brings a feeling of rejuvenation to the body. At Big Sky Cleansing Center we have two units so we are able to have two sessions at once and we provide a discounted rate as well. So bring a friend!
Before the Session:
Avoid drinking liquids that will dehydrate you (like coffee) and diuretic foods 1 hour before your appointment. It can dehydrate you and make your bladder full while your feet are in the water.
After a Session:
You may feel relaxed for a few hours after your appointment.
You might have more volume when you urinate. It may possibly have a stronger smell and different color and be foamy or filmy.
It is important to drink more water than normal to assist the cleansing.
How Many Sessions Do You Need? Ionic foot baths can be taken every other day to help a congested system. It can also be taken as needed or as desired for prevention or relaxation.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: (When treatment would NOT be advised)
SURGICAL/ ELECTRICAL IMPLANTS – includes pacemaker, TENS unit, cochlear implant, etc.
PREGNANT OR BREAST FEEDING – it is suggested to wait for 2 months after childbirth and until breast feeding is complete.
ORGAN TRANSPLANT RECIPIENT – includes any type of organ transplant also not recommended when you use any kind of anti-rejection medication..
MEDICATIONS - includes heartbeat regulating medication or any medication where the absence of which would mentally or physically incapacitate. Medications can be drawn out during a foot bath and therefore is not recommended in this type of situation. ***If you are on any prescription medication we ask that you consult with your doctor before trying a foot spa.
CHILDREN – Not recommended for children under 8 years of age. If child weighs less than 95 pounds, start with 15 minute sessions and work up to full sessions as tolerated.
OPEN SORES – not recommended if you have any open wounds or sores on feet.
DIABETES/DIALYSIS/CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE - Persons with these conditions should consult their physician prior to implementing the ionic body detox and cleanse foot spa as part of their wellness program.
NERVE DAMAGE/ LOST CIRCULATION- Not recommended for people who have lost feeling or have poor circulation in their feet.
"Thank you for a most interesting morning!!! And I will be back and look forward to seeing what colors my water turns next time! And actually, I feel amazingly refreshed! See you soon! "-S.D.
“Candace is so wonderful. Caring friendly and knowledgeable! Great office with a healing environment. Very professional. Thank you! ” -S.H.
"Candace is so professional and knowledgeable about cleansing! I feel I get a coaching session with every foot spa!” -B.S.
“Very knowledgeable, compassionate, and connects well with clients. Very impressed!! Thank you ” -M..B.
"I have never done anything like this before, but just after turning 50, I felt that I needed/wanted to cleanse and rejuvenate myself in some way. I started researching and found Big Sky Cleansing Center. I dipped my toe in (ha ha) by starting with the foot cleanse. It was disgustingly delicious for me! Amanda was so so lovely and funny and down-to-earth, and she made the entire experience informative and helpful and forward thinking. Despite my kind-of-yukk-pictures from before and after, my husband and 3 friends immediately booked for the foot cleanse already! Its that cool. And my husband and I are seriously interested in speaking with her about a cleanse that we can actually live through. :) I was so, so impressed with Amanda, and I am looking forward to using a lot more of her expertise and services in the future." -A.F.
Legal Disclaimer: The information on this site is not intended to treat, diagnose, prescribe, cure, or prevent disease.